How to Cite Sources- Research Paper

hi class it’s miss Cruz reporting live well at least I’m recording it live but you’re not watching it live from my classroom before I take flight tomorrow so today’s video the first one that you should be watching you should not be watching this in class you’re watching it at home but if you’re watching it in class you should have your earphones on this video is about siting within your essays and properly using parenthetical citations to tell the reader where you got your information from so I’m gonna be saying Sokolov things and they’re the same parenthetical citations is a fancy word for citations that are inside parentheses parenthetical okay and then in-text citations it’s the same thing I want to let you know that due to so many sources that you all have and different types of information that’s available you may be citing differently so the first step is always to use the author’s name if your article does not have an author’s name you’re gonna move on to the next most specific thing which is the article title and if for whatever reason a website that you’re using remember it should only be from Gale if the article title is not available then you’re moving on to the website’s name okay so one of those three things needs to be consistently in your paper don’t pop around author’s name and then article name and then website name again if you have the author’s name stick without throughout the paper if you don’t have an author’s name you’re gonna move on to the article title in quotation marks and if for whatever reason you don’t have an article title then you’ll be referring to just the website name and so I’ve screen shot examples of my own so that you can see how to use those different things I’m delirious today was that a spire test aren’t you guys like burnt off um but ah anyway hope you enjoy if you have questions email me and I’ll try my best to write to back alright so here we go for citing your sources you remember the word citing is just a fancy word for giving credit to your sources within your paper so every time you write something you just need to tell your reader where you got it from so don’t be stressed out oh my gosh plagiarism so I wish I could play Joyce I guess I could say that you’re allowed to plagiarize butt plagiarism is illegal citing your sources is not so yes it’s okay to use other people’s thoughts as long as you’re telling everybody every single time that you use somebody else’s thoughts where you got it from otherwise you’re gonna drive me crazy just like this meme cite all of your sources alright so here’s an example of a website that I’m using or that I actually got this from Purdue for their example let’s just say you were writing a research paper or a literary analysis on poetry and what poets thought of poetry and why they’re inspired by poetry I’m just making this up so don’t worry about the topic whether it interests you or not this is just the point that I’m trying to make this is an excerpt from a book because obviously William Wordsworth the poet was in the 1800s and the internet wasn’t around back then so this is just you know copied information on the Internet so whether it was from a book or from the internet for this purpose it doesn’t matter I just want you to see what the article would look like so let’s say I read his examples and his opinions on poetry and I wanted to use a poet’s opinion on poetry okay I agree I just copied a piece of this so it’s easier to read I’m not gonna read all of this but this is an excerpt from the article but let’s say that what’s in blue I read my whole article I highlighted everything that I wanted to infuse into my research paper and so one of the things that I highlighted was what’s in blue for all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings so let’s say that I want to put that on my research paper as something that someone said how do I cite this okay cuz obviously I’m not writing everything that William Wordsworth said I’m just using a piece of what he said and since it’s not my words I’ve got a quote it within my research paper okay so let me show you an example of what a parenthetical citation looks like an in-text citation okay there are three ways to do this there are three ways to do this assuming it was a book that quote that you saw right here in blue was found on page 263 and this is from a legitimate book it is on page 263 there are three ways to say that tight that quote that I just shared with you that I wanting is in my paper the first option is this Wordsworth stated that romantic poetry was marked by a spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings by the way Romantic is capitalized because it’s not romantic like lovey dovey it’s an era like the Elizabethan era and then the Romantic era okay so it’s not like romantic love so Wordsworth stated that romantic poetry was marked by a sponge Dainius overflow of powerful feelings let’s go back all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings so that means that I don’t I didn’t want to add all of this I just wanted to add where it begins with spontaneous I’m not sure if you’re able to see my my my mouse motion when I’m recording this but you don’t have to include the original part you could just start your quote wherever you want to start it so Wordsworth stated that romantic poetry was marked by a quote spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings you have to put in quotations what you’re directly taking from your author you didn’t say it they did so it goes in quotes now you might wonder miss Cruz why it’s a quotation on the inside of the quote and not on the outside of the parenthesis I’m gonna explain that in just a little bit but when it comes to citing for a research paper the quote goes here in the period goes on the outside the period tells the reader that your sentence is fully over with and so even though you’re not saying page 263 it’s still part of that sentence so the sentence ends here okay it doesn’t go on the inside of this the other option that you can do is maybe not saying what Wordsworth has named there you can see it down here so romantic poetry is characterized by the quote spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings end quote and then you can put the author’s last name here and the page number and in the period okay so it’s two options you can either within your writing say the author’s name and what he states and then just put the page number here because you don’t need to put his name again that’s redundant or you don’t mention his name and your writing and you just put it here the other option is to paraphrase and I know a lot of you plan on doing this and that’s okay just be careful I don’t want your entire research paper paraphrased I want to see that you know how to cite your work so therefore there should be a lot of quotations the last option like I said is paraphrasing so let’s take a look at the third bullet point Wordsworth extensively explored the role of emotion in his creative process so I’m not saying anything at all that he quoted as saying I’m just changing this into my own words but I didn’t come up with that idea I didn’t come up with that idea so I still have to give him credit by putting the page number here okay and I put his name here all right so you can definitely paraphrase but you cannot you can’t not quote that person that’s like asking me what you know The Lion King is about and I tell you what it’s about on my own words but I didn’t come up with the movie so why am I gonna get credit for it I still would quote that Walt Disney Pictures company as being the directors and the producers and all that so please don’t take credit for something that you didn’t come up with on your own all right so let me show you another example okay so I I was telling you that the formatting is different for dialogue like in novels than it is for a parenthetical citations and it’s really just the location of the period and I know this seems so petty but remember you’re getting graded on your MLA formatting the way that it looks on the paper so this is important and I don’t want to take off petty points for periods and stuff like that so this isn’t a regular standard like novel let’s just say I made this up or I took it from Titanic pretend you’re reading a book I’ll never let go Jack I’ll never let go period goes on the inside of the quote this isn’t dialogue this is in your research paper in this example Brown states that in the movie Rose mentions she would never let go okay and then the period goes outside of the quote because you’re quoting somebody else so just keep that in mind for your research paper you’re doing this the period goes on the outside of the quote and remember in this example with the parentheses period goes on the outside of the parentheses all right so that’s just to answer that question all right um I already run over this I’m just repeating it again option one this is where you use the author’s name within the text right Wordsworth stated you’re using the author’s name within the text okay option two the author’s name in the parenthetical citation that’s what this means parenthetical citation what you have in parentheses okay so you’re not putting his name here in your text you’re putting it at the end so that’s option to remember the periods not here it’s here at option three was paraphrasing the quote but credit the author within the texts Wordsworth extensively explored the role of emotion in the creative process okay he didn’t say all of that quote for quote word-for-word you did but he came up with it so we still have to credit him here okay stop and breathe if you’re confused and ask questions research ask your peers I’m moving on now let’s go with my my Disney example from the thesis statement video so I’m writing research paper on going behind the scenes with Disney worlds and all the fantastic things that people have never really thought of before when it comes to going to Disney World and all these behind the scenes you know looks and tips and tricks and stuff like that to keep the experience fresh and new alright so um what are the quotes that I highlighted in my research if I were student now if I was legitimately writing this paper don’t get all excited I’m not writing to his favor but if I were in the research process and I put this in my organizational notes from his cruises class and I really liked this quote I really felt it was important to put in there um I’m gonna go ahead and um I just realized I should have showed you my work cited page this is an example of a quote that I’m taking and some of you have this where you have two authors I have Sellinger and testa and that’s what it would look like here but this is a quote that I want to use this fascinated guided tour provides an informative and detailed look at the park’s logistical technical and operational sides included are the parade assembly area the waste treatment plant and utility Network beneath the park by the way this is in reference to a tour that Magic Kingdom provides which is to look at underground Disney to see how they operate everything below the ground the park was constructed when you walk into Magic Kingdom you’re actually walking into the second story the first story is not necessarily below ground but it’s it’s an illusion so at that that’s pretty cool so my friend used to work for Disney and I found out about this and there’s an underground Disney World for all the employees employees or cast members and so this quote is from this book it’s called the unofficial guide to Disney 2015 I don’t put the title there because I’m just putting the author’s names but if you don’t have the author’s names like I mentioned in class the other day you’re gonna put the title of the article here instead in quotation marks it better be in quotation marks okay so let’s take a look at how this is going to transform all right so remember option one was to put the author’s name oh I messed this up this is option two not mentioning the author’s name in your text but just putting it at the end option one was to put the author’s name in the text so Sellinger and test a note that quote this fascinated guided tour provides an informative but above a– okay and quote the page number that it was found on yes that book has 850 pages I see it and your period at the end okay um so that’s an example of that here’s another example here’s the original quote of something that I was reading when I was doing this example within Cinderella Castle there is a lavish royal suite built in the space originally intended for Walt and his family it can’t be booked or even toured it is currently only available for VIPs special guests and occasional contest winners end quote now this doesn’t have an author this website but it’s a legitimate website it’s not written from some random person but there is no author as many of you are gonna experience um and so in this case it came from the Walt Disney World secrets website and I just made a boo-boo and I will try to add an annotation here that um actually want to fix it right now now you don’t put the title of the website for the title of the article okay but what if there’s no title the article you want to the next best thing then you put the title of the website believe it or not some websites don’t have article titles they just have information and so if you don’t have an author you don’t have an article title you put the name of the website okay but that’s for your last resort so magic kingdom secrets is the article that I used and so um let me refresh so listen the Cinderella Castle is a lavatory suite built in the space originally this is just in reference to let’s say in my paper I want to talk about how upstairs in the Cinderella Castle is not empty space it’s actually like a mini hotel room and so that was originally meant for Walt Disney and his family before he died and so I think that’s pretty cool top secret information about Magic Kingdom and I put that in one of my paragraphs and so this is how this is one way that I would cite it okay um you might say miss Cruz why do you have quotes here and why do you have quotes in your parenthetical citation because remember this is quoting the article this is quoting the quote so you need to have both even though it seems redundant and once again your period it’s on the outside now here’s what I wrote I’m writing text messages are graphs I’m writing my paper and here is part of my um paragraph I wrote this I didn’t get it from anywhere else and so when I read your paper and egg don’t see quotation marks I can tell that it to your writing once entering the park so Cinderella Castle is a heavenly place and heavenly a magical view for all Disney guests I believe that that’s covered to see basking in its historical glory many people are unaware that there are livable bedrooms at the top of the building okay nowhere in my article that I read this that I that I see that it was livable but I just know this and obviously there’s beds and stuff so I put that myself it’s not information that I made up but it’s it’s not it’s common sense more than anything so that’s okay I don’t have to quote that I didn’t find that in my article anyway within Cinderella Castle is a lavish royal suite built in the space originally intended for Walton as family it can’t be books are even toured it is currently only available for VIPs special guests and occasional contest winners I just wanted you to see how I’m combining my writing which was in black with what I’m going to be citing which is in blue keep in mind that your essay is not going to be color coded like this but I want you to see this example and how you can combine your information with theirs without crossing the lines of paraphrasing or plagiarizing here’s another example okay um in this case since there wasn’t an author I used the website and that’s okay eloquently a magical view for all to see basking in its historical glory many people are unaware that there are livable bedrooms at the top of the building according to wdw secrets quote within Cinderella Castle is a lavish royal suite built in sweet ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba so on and so forth woman’s name is Cruz what’s the difference the difference is I’m putting the author’s name or the website in my text as opposed to just citing it at the end in parentheses so look at the difference okay I went back and then here okay now you might say you might notice that here it’s a capital letter that’s because this ended a sentence that we’re starting a new one and even though in my book this began a sentence so it was capitalized it’s not beginning mine so it can stay lowercase okay here’s another example oh this is to show you if I don’t want to put everything from that quote here I just chopped some of it off and you can totally do that notice the difference Walt Disney World secrets reveals that the glamorous Castle has a living space that was quote originally intended for Walt and his family and it keeps going I just want to show you I’m gonna go back to show you how much longer it was before okay I started here in my next example and that’s okay you can do that okay one more example all right I discovered this isn’t interesting information I’ve never known this before so check it out I’m doing my own research I’m not even kidding you I did not know this so this is cool this is what a research paper is all about it’s not to impress your teacher it is to get information in your brain and become a smarter person for this world so here’s what I discovered Walt designed the park so that when guests pass from land to land they don’t see the others if one was in Liberty Square he can’t see fantasy lands because of the trees the buildings in the distractions such as the waterwheel the noise keeps the guests from looking to the side and seeing the other lands even the pavement like the flooring changes to match the new mood or land ok I got that from the article called Walt Disney world’s best-kept secrets it’s not Walt Disney World’s it bothers me that it’s not like that but that’s how it’s titled ok so if I want to use this information when I was researching in my article and I wrote in my in my essay and I wrote stuff about the way that the park was designed so that there that no view was open that I can’t see Tomorrowland from Fantasyland and I can’t see fantasy land from Adventureland this would be a quote that I would use to support that claim of mine and so that definitely refers back to my thesis statement about little tips and tricks and hidden secrets of Walt Disney this is one example of citing it by the way no author but we use the quote ok period on the outside that’s one example here’s another um oh this is to show you this is too long of a quote honestly to use in my in your paper in my opinion it’s way too long especially if you do this more than once I’ll let it happen once but otherwise this is like three or four sentences it’s too long but let’s say you don’t really care to put the middle stuff like if you don’t want to put all this that’s fine you can take it out but you need to show me and your audience that you removed information in the middle of a quote that that content came from so just look at the difference Walt designed the park so when guests pass from land to land they don’t see the others and then we put the ellipses point a dot dot dot to show that you removed more information from this part of your book and you kept going even the move even the pavement changes to match the new mood or lands I’m gonna go backwards so you can see what I took out ok take a look at others that’s where I end okay others I didn’t put this stuff okay but you’ve gotta put the dot dot dot the ellipses points to show that you removed that stuff all right
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